A classic Thomas Henry 8038-based sine oscillator with a twist. Named in homage of the great David Lynch for not only his own sonic experimentations, but also for the unique “twin peak” waveform that defines this oscillator.
A traditional triangle-to-saw converter is leveraged to create an unbelievable variety of waveforms and sound possibilities: From a “twin peak” waveform, to weird ADSR-like shapes, to spy fedoras and complex, animated FM sounds.
Analog switch input provides CV control over injection of the conditioned triangle waveform back into the twin peak wave to drive modulation. And, just for kicks, the sine and square waves are on a cross fader to allow for shaping between the two to access an additional range of different sounds.
As with any schematic found on the internet, exercise caution when building. Test the build before plugging it into your case. If you find mistakes in the schematic, or you have recommendations for improving the design, feel free to contact us and let us know.

- Capacitors
- 100pf (1) C1
- 1nf (1) C3
- 0.01uf (1) C4
- 0.22uf (1) C2
- Resistors
- 390R (1) R13
- 1k (3) R21, R39, R40
- 2.2k (2) R24, R27
- 2.7k (1) R19
- 4.7k (2) R33, R38
- 6.8k (5) R3, R15, R25, R30, R34
- 10k (9) R11, R12, R16, R17, R29, R32, R35, R36, R37
- 12k (2) R1, R28
- 20k (3) R8, R9, R20
- 24k (2) R2, R23
- 30k (1) R26
- 100k (3) R4, R6, R7
- 120k (1) R22
- 200k (1) R31
- 470k (1) R10
- 1M (1) R14
- 1.5M (1) R18
- 3M (1) R5
- Thermistor
- 1.87k (1) TH1
- Potentiometers
- 200R trimmer (1) RV4
- 20k (1) RV6
- 100k (4) RV1, RV2, RV3, RV5
- 100k trimmer (4) RV7, RV8, RV9, RV10
- Transistors
- 2N3906 (2) Q1, Q2
- ICs
- 8038 (1) U6
- DG271 (1) U2
- TL072 (3) U3, U5, U7
- TL074 (1) U1
- 1N4148 (1) D1
- VTL5c Vactrol (1) U4
- Audio jack (6) J1, J2, J4, J6, J9, J10
- Switched audio jack (4) J3, J5, J7, J8
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